
Category Archives for "Appreciate Each Moment"

Weather Moods

How is weather affecting your mood?
Oh my, this warm week unlocked
Eager-to-be-outside joy!
I saw it everywhere I saw people.
Happy to be out, “doing.”

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Beginner Eyes

How do you see variety in “the usual?” That’s a question for me these days.
Usual tasks, usual routes, usual timing, can take on “usual” color, without attention.

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It makes a HUGE difference for me…Wednesday, August 5, 2020Hello My Friend,When have you been with a groupThat radiates warm community?Pretty nice to bump elbows,Even in a Zoom setting,When one feels welcomed.I had that this week In several ways.Social-distanced connection With a couple of family members.Zoomed meeting with group of women.Masked visit with friend,From two […]

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Loss and joy can coexist. This week is certainly proof of that. My hard decision not to ride the East Coast ride this Fall lives beside delight of celebrating Bob’s 85th birthday.

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