My “intention phrase; my “prism phrase” for 2022 is
So much swirls through my day,
Quickly and sometimes fleeting.
Figuring out how to stay walking upright
Is pretty important.
I’m talking about the actual, physical upright
Of walking in winter.
Brilliant, splashing, riotous colors of Marimekko fabric,
Morphed into whimsical toys, bags, & more;
Bold with bright visual energy —
Truly, it made me want to dance.
Generous listening.
A few hours later, I’m feeling Melancholy.
Natural season changes coming soon,
I’m resisting.
Positive possibilities haven’t yet grabbed me.
In that way, I’m sort of a “Grump-Slump”.
Have you ever been in that spot?
I’m just back from speaking to
Great group of women.
Waseca, MN, Catholic Daughters —
They are my expanded awareness.
On rides through countryside
I pass many stands selling Pumpkins!
Do you wonder if all of those hundreds
Become Jack-O-Lanterns?
My immediate focus is preparing
A TALK for some Senior Center gigs.
I want it to be interesting,
Encouraging, — especially encouraging.
Reminding us to live fully.
Gently, gratefully, I’m home.
Biking, tasks, obligations, opportunities,
Beginning to blur together.
Yet, each exists as rich piece in my life tapestry.
You know those days when you’re perfectly
In the Flow and everything’s great?
That was today.
Forty miles on bike trail,
MY picture of ideal biking.
For a couple of months,
My total focus — riding miles, gaining strength.
Good results, I am stronger.
Effort well-put.
Riding one day this week,
Passing corn field, I thought…
Seven weeks from June 13 until start of Empire State Ride.
Does it fit to be a
Biking web post?