
Category Archives for "Appreciate Each Moment"

Back in the Saddle Again

Launching a week-long bike-trip with BobThursday, August 2, 2018Hello My Dear Friends! I am gently biking-tripping with Bob.Exactly my intention for my Rest-of-season bike adventures. This is significant restart of my favorite activity.I’ve felt discouraged and flat,Since return from West. Discouraged and Flat drains enthusiasm,Squashes sense of Possibility.Not Fun. Being out now … is upward turn,Reminding me I like […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Home Again

Montana Next—Change in WY plansSunday, June 24, 2018Column #1Hello Friends, Home from bike trip means:Adjusting routine, expanding wardrobe beyond bike shorts,Being grateful, missing riding,Doing laundry as bothNecessity and centering task. Tomorrow, Monday, June 25,Begin driving in car to MT.My four sisters and I meet annuallyFor reconnecting reunion.This year in Bozeman, MT. Shared time is important,As sister age gaps […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 18

Manitowoc—Random Lake, WI: 52 milesWednesday, June 20, 2018Today I rode Fifty Two miles! like everybody else.I followed Nancy all day.Nancy is person who has set routes,Knows exactly where to go.Perfect.”I’m really a Whiz,At this bicycle Biz,If somebody else does the guiding!”Because Random Lake is so small,Not much for tourist touring,Bare bone motel.We were encouraged to […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 13

Munising, MI—Rest Day!Friday, June15, 2018Rest Day!There was a time when Rest Day on my bike tripMeant…Cleaning my bike, doing my laundry. The two rest days we have had have beenPlaces with Nature tourist spots,Mackinack Island, and here in Munising, MIIt is Painted Rocks National LakeshoreCruises. I was not going to go.Then thought, “if not now, when?”Seeing sandstone […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 12

Day 11: Newberry—Grand Marais, MI: I rode 30 milesDay 12: Grand Marais—Munising, MI: I rode 35 milesThursday, June 14, 2018I rode 30 miles on 13th, Today, June 14th Flag Day, I rode 35.(You will see pictures of John G. wearing his Flag Day outfit) Funny how reliant we become on having Wi-Fi- available.At least ten people […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 5

Empire—Traverse City, MI: 58 milesThursday, June 7, 2018Looking back through yesterday’s photos,Let me tell you story of one showing three of us,Ken, John, Lin rest area top of 11% climb.MI couple interested in what we were doing also at top.I asked man to take our photo.Sun was at angle so that he couldn’t see anything.”Go […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 4

Manistee to Empire, MI: 58 milesWednesday, June 6, 2018Much better ride day for me.Today’s start temp was 38 degrees,Wow! I wouldn’t go riding at that tempIf I were home.Layered up with most everything I brought,And was fine.Especially since temp rose 20 degrees in two hours.Then it was “strip tease” time on road edge.Good roads,Good shoulders,Helpful […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 1

Milwaukee to Muskegon: 10 milesSunday, June 3, 2018What? Ten miles???Yes, that is our ride distance for today.Final packing this morning pre-breakfast.Destination down street same for all.We gathered, ate and talked our way into morning.Luggage dropped at SAG vehicle,Room keys returned,Now underway to ferry terminal on Lake Michigan.I rode with Nancy.Nancy and Ken organize, manage, run these […]

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Pre-Trip Rest Day(Milwaukee Public Library pictured above)Saturday, June 2, 2018Did I say before that I wondered about day offBefore riding started?It has been just right for me today.Walked to breakfast with other riders.Good folks, pleasant.All of whom have ridden together many trips withThis company BAA, or their local bike clubs.It is reminder to me,About groups […]

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Training Plus Fun

Family Celebrations and Root River TrailSunday, May 20, 2018Hello My Friends, Nearing June 1st Lake Michigan Ride start date,Training up to 40 miles in a day—Feeling ready for the adventure. Last ten days filled to brim with training rides & logistics. Best though, has been family connection,Plus the Lin and Bob b-day bike trip on Root River Trail. Weekend of […]

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Giving Thanks—Lake Superior

“That Bike Lady” in WinterFriday, November 24, 2017 ​Hello Dear Friends,Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!In case you are wondering what “that biking lady” Gets up to during off season… North Shore trip in November, A first for us. Before making reservation, considered if Just looking out at views Would be enough. Yes, was answer. “Next Big Thing” takes all […]

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Raccoon River Valley Trail—Day 2

Loop route—Panora back to Perry, IA: 34 milesSaturday, September 16, 2017 ​As I write down mileage for today, Add it to yesterday, And come up with eighty-five miles on this great trip— I want to report to you that … (drumroll) I have met and exceeded my goal of one thousand bicycle miles Ridden by end of Sept!That […]

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