The Life Celebration we’re sharing,
Is filled with the grief we are bearing.
Yet, that’s only part,
That fills up each heart.
It shows us how much we are caring.
When riding conditions are “stellar,”
It seems that there is nothing “sweller,”
Than riding your bike!
It is what you like,
Described as a glowing bestseller.
When you’re at a point of deciding
What pants you will wear while you’re riding
Best clothe your behind
With pants you will find
At Terry; their pants keep you gliding.
In midst of the flurry this season,
To notice there is beyond reason
Varieties vast,
And never outclassed,
By all other sights you can squeeze in.
The season can hold what is jolly,
Or hold all that old melancholy.
Note what is made Bright
With love and with Light.
Care, woven midst baubles and holly.
Those times when you’re thinking of quitting,
Near burn-out, depletion admitting.
Pull up your resolve,
And let things evolve.
Just what do you need? Recommitting!
A stop as you pass a library,
On whim, or a trip necessary,
Will likely provide,
With what was supplied,
A pause that’s beyond ordinary.
When routine becomes repetitious,
When doing is just expeditious,
So, what can you do,
To fire-up anew?
And add just one spark that’s “delicious?”
The walking they do, I’ve admired,
I will do that too when required.
That will be my tack,
Then I can get back.
My need-to is that I’m flat-tired.
I start out with much apprehension.
My thinking’s reflecting my tension.
And what I have found,
As we move around,
It’s Help. It’s the “screw-up prevention.”
Slowly at levels I thought I’d hate,
Active, with goal to regenerate.
I think you’ll agree
I surely can be
Living quite fully at any rate.