Bucket List Dream
Getting to dance like Ginger...
Monday, February 27, 2017
Hello My Friends,
As I tell my story to audiences far and near,
My message is to Act on Your Dreams—
"It doesn't matter when you start,
It matters that you begin."
Hence this note to share the joy of
Realizing a dream of my own.
You know from my home-page story
My childhood dream was to grow up to
Dance like Ginger Rogers with Fred Astaire.
In fact I somehow thought I'd get to be
Dance partner with Fred A.
Didn't happen.
Tucked away dream for years
Has been to get to move to the music
With Skilled,
Wonderful dancer.
My Dream item on Bucket List.
Finally made commitment
To ask for that experience
With dance teacher, Brian Sostek from Minneapolis.
Private dance hours with Brian
Leading, coaching, guiding me round
Dance floor.
Which is open space in
Parking garage under
Village on Cannon, condo building where I live.
With Brian's clear, kind, expert teaching,
I feel graceful and lovely
Moving around concrete garage floor,
Like Ginger with Fred on finest dance set.
Childhood dream.
All I have hoped!
Hugs to each,

Fred Astaire, eat your heart out!

Here I am, dancing like a star!

Foxtrot never felt so sweet!

Dancing in the parking garage: amazing fun!

Happy Dance—panting with excitement and exertion!

Blurred Motion: Practicing "Frame"