Big Sharing
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
An aspect that comes in Deep Sharing,
From words of one’s truth, no comparing—
Connection, so real.
Knowing that we’ll
Hold our shared time as “trust-bearing.”
With whom do you get your “Big Sharing?”
An adult grandchild,
Living several hundred miles away,
Came to visit.
Such a treat!
She said ” I like Big Sharing.”
We gave that to each other.
I too, like Big Sharing.
The kind that lets us know and
Be known with a broader picture.
Unusual experience of total focus,
Shared memories,
Current pursuits and interests.
Accurate, expanded pictures of
Our lives outside of familial roles.
We got to know each other
So much more
With our deep visiting.
If I were using a metaphor —-
It’s about weaving a richer tapestry
More color, more complicated design,
Showing the depth of artistry in a person’s life.
Certainly matches my Shift # 4,
“Connect with Others.”
May we give and take in Connection …
Precious life expander.
Giving me a life lived more fully.