Big Lift From Little Things
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
When routine becomes repetitious,
When doing is just expeditious,
So, what can you do,
To fire-up anew?
And add just one spark that’s “delicious?”
What little thing can deliver a big lift?
Days roll in and out with
Routine that gets things done.
Lets us know what’s been accomplished,
And what we can expect.
It’s on the other side of chaotic,
I’m grateful for that.
Chaos rattles me to my core.
Still the “roll-in-roll-out”
Can be numbing.
So, I watch for some “spark.”
Folks come to visit Bob.
I get out on errands and breaks.
Library staff has come to know me
Even as they miss Bob’s nearly daily library visits.
In the food co-op, I’ve figured out
Who gets me succinct answers on
How to find some item.
All good.
Here’s a “spark” story—
Because Bob’s bike will be parked in garage
Unused for—who knows—maybe months,
I wanted to cover it to keep
Dust out of bicycle mechanisms.
Cover had to be “cheery.”
No white sheet draped over the frame.
I wanted something colorful and hopeful,
(And a bargain, of course.)
At our Used-a-Bit Shop,
Labeled “Retro 1970’s colors,”
A sleeping bag like you might have taken
For a sleep-over that was really a
Bright, loud, bold, citrus colors—
There it was.
Perfect for protecting bike and
Providing cheerful visual for me.
(Available for $3.00)
I’m smiling.
All well here.
It’s often the Little things
Bringing a Big lift.