Autumn Day to Day
The Importance of Small Steps
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Hello My Friends,
Responding to Autumn
Brings widely varied ups and downs.
Feelings swing between delight and longing.
Though slow in appearing,
Color blazes of autumn red, gold, rust
Fill my bike ride horizons.
Such beauty lets me spin miles
So caught up in glorious views,
Pedaling is almost unnoticed.
Other side is times of despondency,
Looking at empty speaking calendar
And no big trip plan.
Not in middle of something big,
I can either despair,
Or tend to little pieces,
Creating my good life.
Perhaps commitment to next small thing,
Moves to next Big.
Perhaps all the small makes for satisfaction.
You can tell I am mish-mashing
Words, Feelings, Thoughts.
Thanks for reading.
I'm riding lovely rides straight out my garage,
Country road loops,
Bicycle trails ....Sakatah, Cannon,
Excellent resources nearby.
I ride to Faribault for haircut and lunch.
Always include food destination,
Makes the wheels go round.
Precious time with family,
Rides with best ride buddy Bob,
Opportunities that matter to me.
Right now my speaking is at
Toastmasters meetings and competitions.
I like doing that.
Items, thoughts popping up tell me
I'm putting this season together very well.
Just different from some years' big agenda.
Who knows what will morph from
Today, plus today, plus today?
All is okay.
Hugs to each of you.

Rest Stop Belle Creek Cannon Valley Trail

Parked at Perkins in Red Wing: lunch after 20 miles

Achieved 2nd place at Toastmasters Area Humorous Speech Contest

View from the road

Back road beauty riding to Faribault

Human color along the Cannon River

Checking my tires for glass

Nature preserve visit with Sequoia

Lunch Date with son Scott and granddaughter Sequoia

Faribault scene

In my local Toastmaster's Chapter, I achieved 1st place in both Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests.