Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Biking with head-winds for hours,
I know of restorative powers.
Blooms do give me hope,
A way I can cope.
The power of beautiful flowers.
When viewing some view for the first time,
That’s sprung forth from fast-growing enzyme.
I see fresh and new.
How quickly it grew.
I’m lucky to view life in full prime.
I pedal with fun and with liking,
My bike that I ride as I’m biking.
Though nearly the same,
I loudly can claim
The change that I feel is quite striking.
Whatever your task that needs doing,
Whatever the trail that you’re viewing,
When ending the day,
May you get to say,
“It really was worth the pursuing.”
Ac-cu-mu-la-tions for “just-in-case”
May fill the corners within your place.
When they’re cleared away,
You’ll find that you may
Discover pockets of “space-with-grace.”
A stop as you pass a library,
On whim, or a trip necessary,
Will likely provide,
With what was supplied,
A pause that’s beyond ordinary.
When routine becomes repetitious,
When doing is just expeditious,
So, what can you do,
To fire-up anew?
And add just one spark that’s “delicious?”
The walking they do, I’ve admired,
I will do that too when required.
That will be my tack,
Then I can get back.
My need-to is that I’m flat-tired.
They started their day with joint venture.
A bike ride would be their adventure.
By hitting a hole
That changed out his role.
The cyclist became a backbencher.
His “sighting” occurred quite benignly,
It turned out to be quite untimely.
“Oh, look at that bird!”
The next thing I heard,
Was Bob having landed supinely.
Finding yourself in a spot that’s bad,
Something that scares you or makes you mad.
Start thinking anew
On what you can do:
Creative thinking’s your launching pad.
I’m viewing the wonder of new sights,
Flowers, and ocean, and mountain heights.
Still, visits with you
Are brightest for me, beyond city lights.