Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce


60th Reunion Ride: Day 10

Kilgore to Grodon, NE: 60 milesJuly 3, 2016 ​This ride day started at wide spot with couple of buildings.Kilgore is where I ended my yesterday ride,So picked up there.We had just crossed into Mountain Time.Six a.m. start today.I usually am out between five and eight hours each day.That is ride time and break time.Mid-morning is […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 9

Rest Day: Valentine, NE—23 mile rideJuly 2, 2016 “What?” you might be thinking,”Ride 23 mile on rest day?”I did ride early in day.Cool temps, quiet hwy, cloudy sky.Long views, rolling hills, open space.I liked it.Tomorrow’s end point has to be Gordon, Nebr.’Cause that is closest motel.Gordon is 91 miles away,Much farther than I want to […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 8

Ainsworth to Valentine, NE: 49 milesJuly 1, 2016 ​How lucky with this ride!Weather gods are looking out for us.Day of awful humidity – heat in MN,Wind, which I’ve played to advantage.Storms have taken routes different than ours.Rain is predicted for this afternoon,Our Valentine motel will be shelter.Today,Quieter Hwy 20,Temps of mid sixties,Gentle grey sky,With Wind-At-My-Back,Made […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 7

O’Neill to Ainsworth, NE: 51 milesJune 30, 2016 Bob and I are laughing.We just asked each other what day of week it is,What town we are in.​I move down the roads through towns,Noticing mostly roads and their shoulders,Wind directions andParks with outhouses.Single focus “bicycle bubble” has become my mode.I like the single focus.I played / […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 6

CroFton to O’Neill, Nebraska: 50 milesJune 29, 2016 Meadowlark song along morning route,Reminded me of story from myMama, … Mary.Mary’s mother, whom I never knew,Told her daughter that the Meadowlark’s song said,”Mary is a pretty little girl,” “Mary is a pretty little girl.”I listened.They were right.Both the Mother and the bird.Beautiful country riding along hwy […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 5

Hawarden, MN to Crofton, NE: 51 milesJune 28, 2016 Early morning I ride withLong shadow at my side.Like wicked schoolmarm from “Wizard of Oz”.No long skirt,No Toto.Same determined posture.Mine.Starting day riding toward rainbow filled sky,Sets excellent tone.Riding valley of Big Sioux RiverTo Akron, IA for late brkfst stop.Crossed Big Sioux River,At Akron Iowa,Into South Dakota.Climbing […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 4

Luverne to Hawarden, MN: 53 milesJune 27, 2016Today was not as we planned… Each day has unexpected things to consider.Today’s was route.We consult special MN and IA bicycle mapsRating roads for traffic & shoulder width.This morning I found that visiting map evaluatorMay have driven major Luverne road one mile south,Giving good shoulder ratingWhich was NOT […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 3

Wisdom to Luverne, MN: 60 milesMost unusual day! Two parts—and fun!June 26, 2016 Morning 36 mile ride West into wind,Late afternoon 24 mile ride headed East.Early hour leaving Windom,Beautiful.Delightful cool temp with small breeze.Ride was on newly rebuilt Hwy 62..If ever you are riding across MN,Go via 62, only 25 miles of easy surface.In Fulda […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 2

This day was HARD !Garden City, MN to Darfur, MN: 32 milesJune 25, 2016Loading all items for multiple trip adventures,Time consuming.Extremely well done by Bob, whose packing skillsDeserve first prize.Away from home, Village on the Cannon, at 7:15 a.m.,Re-drove highways used yesterday to get Bob & car to Mankato.Close to yesterday’s pickup spot,Garden City Fairground […]

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60th Reunion Ride: Day 1

June 24, 2016Northfield to south of Mankato, MN: 67 milesI am underway with this ride!Longer than I had imagined for first day—It worked & I am tired, bit stiff, ready for early bedtime.Most of ride on bike trailsLet me soak up joy of biking.No traffic meantMiles of total “breezing.”Very fun and only five other riders […]

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Bountiful Help with Trip Preparations

Hi Friends,I start ride this Friday, June 24.Makes me happy to know I will ride with single focus,Getting to destination for that day.Right nowAll the tag ends … needing to be complete or to weave together,Chaotic in my gut.Still, so much help has come my way out of my asking.Asking = continued learning for me.Weeks […]

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2016 Summer Bike Plans

Hi my friends, Here’s what’s coming for me on my bicycle this summer! I’m ramping up, training for this year’s bike adventures, during which you’ll be hearing from me regularly. My “reports” will come to your inbox—no need to sign up again. Adventure #1: Northfield, MN to Cheyenne Wyoming I will leave Northfield on June 24—I […]

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