Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Buffalo to Ten Sleep, WY: 64 miles (My ride: 54)Monday, July 18, 2016 Beautiful morning to start day.Elizabeth and I said to each other how much we likeEarly morning riding.Cool, quiet, fresh.Had about a mile together.Elizabeth glided away,Looking totally effortless,From distance.We both knowIt did not stay effortless.Very hard day!Our three rest stopsTwelve miles apart,Wisely spaced […]
Continue readingSheridan to Buffalo, WY: 48 milesSunday, July 17, 2016 Today started early.Elizabeth and I had Bob take us and ourBicycles to Sheridan Jr H.S. toGet into 5:15 Q-ing up forBreakfast.Service with four lines,So, quick to get food.We were on road by six a.m.Yesterday after dinner,Had driven leaving-town-route in car.Big help in morning to know where […]
Continue readingTomorrow: Tour De Wyoming!Saturday, July 17, 2016Drove from Centennial to Sheridan, WY We are registered!We have route sheets!We have white hoodiesTouting twenty years of the “Tour.”Bob and I,Elizabeth Williams from Laramie, Bob’s niece;We three are tucked into motel,Grateful for beds, hot water, shelter from wind.Picnicked in Casper,Lunch.Picnicked in Sheridan in front of motel room, Dinner.Soon […]
Continue readingHiking While Bike is TunedFriday, July 15, 2016 Yesterday my bike was cleaned and tuned.So shiny, ready to ride,It is stashed in Elizabeth William’s Laramie kitchen,Which used to be Bob’s parents’ home.We will meet there Saturday, July 16, morning to loadFor trip to Sheridan, WY for Check-in time with 348 other riders.When getting bike to […]
Continue readingTruckin’ Up the Mountain: 10 milesJuly 13, 2016 Nice two-day morning routine we’ve had:Together driving to Libby Creek Campground.Lin biking from there,Bob taking forest walk.Again I’m climbing around Barbour Lake.Three cyclists ahead on road.I watched young woman reach down,Pull out water bottle,Lift bottle, tilt head, squirt water in mouth,Riding one-handed, good balance.Here is how I […]
Continue readingHigh Altitude Training ContinuesJuly 12, 2016 Hi Friends,Continuing to pedal up mountain;Not yet to top of Snowy Range.Up same mountain route with 1/2 wind,e.g. gusts of 25 not 50 mph.Less wind, more aware what conditions required, meant more miles.Slowest one hour of whole trip, andIt worked.Relearned that when stop midst uphill,Move to higher gear before […]
Continue readingVisiting Day in Denver and…July 10 and 11, 2016 Connecting with others:One of my keys toSaying “yes” to Bigger Things.Many of my rides have beenWith other riders who enrich my days.The 660 to 60th Reunion ride is different—Connections come in other ways.The “Connect” part of today’s storyIs wonderful Denver, CO day spentWith granddaughter Maggie & […]
Continue readingPreparing for the Tour de WyomingJuly 8, 2016 One of my favorite rides, from Centennial to Laramie.Even though elevation from Centennial’s 8000-some ft toLaramie’s 7200 ft seemsAll down hill.Still good training.Some of training is relearningThings known.I set out with one water bottle.Working hard,Pedaling up long hill,Breathing through open mouth.Wyoming airDried mouth,Leaving tongue withDesiccated texture ofDesert […]
Continue readingKimball, NE to Cheyenne, WY: 60 milesJuly 7, 2016 I have completed my ride to Cheyenne !!!Much cooler temps were delight.Winds varying during day.Portion of ride on small Wyo road,Completely new to me,Had steep climbs.Just an intro toBig Mountain climbs of “Tour de Wyo” ride later in July.Total mileage this ride was 660 miles,Much less […]
Continue readingGering to Kimball, NE: 48 windy milesJuly 6, 2016 I’m so aware that this ride is possible for meWith creative ferrying by my SAG.Thanks, SAG!(SAG = Support and Gear = Bob!)Three parts of today ….Bob and I together rode five miles out of Gering,Admiring Scott’s Bluff.I went on south toward Kimball,Bob returned to motel to […]
Continue readingAlliance, NE to Gering—by Scott’s Bluff, NE: 52 milesJuly 5, 2016 Today’s limerick:Geological sculpting through many years,Created this landmark for pioneers,We’re seeing Scott’s Bluff.You’d have to be tough,To come on a bike or as wagoners!Afternoon biking on Oregon Trail, Pony Express route,Historic.Bob and I have said,”It would have been hard to trudge along side the wagon.”True.Played […]
Continue readingGordon to Alliance, NE: 52 milesJuly 4, 2016 Much better day today.Rather than introspection and pessimism;Some nice memories.As I was riding, thinking about this being July 4th,I remembered Fourth of July in Jakarta, Indonesia.During year there,I got to sing w/ American Women Singers.Program for Independence Day ,Wonderful singable patriotic songs about our country.I, who appreciate […]
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