Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce


MN Mini-Tour: Day 1

Northfield, MN to Kenyon, MN—21 MilesWednesday, September 21, 2016 Yep, that is the first day’s distance on this new adventure.I’ve been embarrassed to tell folksHow short many of our ride days are.Do short days really count?(Answer: Of course they do! Anything counts. Hear that, Lin?)Today’s destination twenty one milesTo Kenyon.Plenty and just right match for […]

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Yippee, Skippee!

Another Bike Trip Soon!Tuesday, September 20, 2016 I’ll be heading out with Bob onWednesday, Sept. 21.Ten days, just two of us.Ride Southeast MN: small roads, some trails.Preparation flurry almost TOO MUCH.Trips to purchase very bright rear tail lights,Return trip for replacement switch on one light.Deciding among gluten free bars,Essential back-up food for Celiac Bob.Dozens of […]

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The Challenge of Re-entry

Life after the Adventure…Thursday, August 18, 2016 I promised I’d let you know that I’m home safely…Driving home through rainHeavy and dark,Dramatic contrast to dryness ofOur Western digs.Rain enough toRaise river level in Northfield.Folks buzzing in town squareViewing & photographing swollen Cannon River.Portion of bicycle pathUnderwater until river subsides.I’m glad to be here,Yet, I have […]

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Winding Up the Adventure

Monday, August 8, 2016 ​As I posed this a.m.Picture of “Tour” yellow shirt with bike bling,Then Olympic medal around neck,Reminding me of treat of in-person audience,Gifting me with attention, admiration,Truly wonderful experience!And website commentsOf encouragement, appreciation,Engaged reading of adventure.Wonderful on-line audience!My deep desire in writing,Speaking to tell story,Is that my journey can beInspiration & motivationTo […]

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Pre-60th H.S. Reunion Event

What a thrill!Friday, August 5, 2016 What a wonderful time!!!Telling my bicycle story.Classmates of sixty years agoPresent and attentive,Listening to my tale ofHow these bicycle adventures started.Newsletter committee plannedWith careful detail.Good name tags,Good food,Podium and microphone.Tables filled for eating and listening.Bev Collier read own creative poemTelling of Lin and bicyclingAs introduction for talk.Audience responsive;Laughing in […]

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Pre-60th Reunion Talk Preparation

Tuesday, August 2, 2016 I am working on talk for lunch gathering pre H.S. reunion.Daunting!Brings up doubting voicesAbout interest in topic,Sequencing story,Being presenter.Ten months since I’ve spoken,Telling my story of biking.Rusty on the prep.Feels harder than biking many miles.Those things I list as helping me do bike trip,Relevant now in different challenge.Commitment piece ….Certainly, I […]

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600 mile day

By Car! … Returning to WyomingMonday, July 25, 2016 Sheridan Tour de Wyoming endpointLaunched Bob, Elizabeth, meInto Montana.Great visit with dear friendsKarin Erickson Smith and Ron Smith in Billings.Perfect cocoon of kind people, good food,Interesting conversations.On to mountains above Judith Gap.My dear sister Jill and husband Ken;Off grid, resourceful, creative, generous,Welcoming us.To “The Waters” of […]

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Tour de Wyoming: Day 6

Burgess Junction to Sheridan, WY: 45 milesFriday, July 22, 2016LAST DAY for this “Tour de Wyoming” ride. Since we were housed two miles from breakfast,Bikes on car first thing.Bob also packed to go,Wanting to be down mountainBefore cyclists on road.Though not at peak,Burgess Junction one of top spots inBig Horn mountains.Elevation ride start: 8000 ftDown […]

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Tour de Wyoming: Day 5

Basin to Burgess Junction, WY: 55 miles (my ride: 44)Thursday, July 21, 2016 Nearly done: One more ride day.Leaving Basin at 5:30 a.m.Temperature was sixty two degrees.FORTY degrees cooler than yesterday.I wore extra gloves for some miles,Pleased to be able to ride in cool comfort.Passing through this countryside,How extraordinary to be moving via bicycle.Never would […]

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A Special EntryHonoring Our Connections with the PastThese photos deserveTo stand aloneTomorrow my account ofThe Tour de WyomingWill resume. Grandmother’s headstone—such an emotional moment! And a few of our afternoon in Basin… picnic lunch in Basin, at Washington Park At the Basin library I visited this house, where my grandparents lived, over 70 years ago… […]

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Tour de Wyoming: Day 4

Meeteetse to Basin, WY: 54 milesWednesday, July 20, 2016 Out early.Such an early start from our motel,E. and I were first of 350 in line for brkfst.There was full moon,Horizon of pink clouds,Quiet roads.Minutes later,Straight angle morning sun in eyes.Not for long.Ride was fast, easy,Part of adventure, not mission.Into Basin by 10:30Before heat of day.A […]

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Tour de Wyoming: Day 3

Ten Sleep to Meeteetse, WY: 84 miles (My ride: 40 mi.)Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Today was HEAT!Total ride length 84 miles.Many riders sagged in from points along way.Vast open prairie,No spots of shade, temps in 90’s.Depleting conditions.Bob came along in car when I was at forty miles;Racked bike onto carrier.Picked up Elizabeth at 55 miles;Racked […]

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