Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Harbor Springs—Mackinaw City, MI: 41 milesSunday, June 10, 2018Grateful for shorter miles today. Some great pavement, some flat,Some badly broken shoulders, some hills.Increasing wind during ride. First stop along road … in shade,We were feeding mosquitoes! Made sure next stops in sun,Wind assisting mosquito control. Here in Mackinaw CityI walked main street.Fudge, Ice Cream shops,Outnumber all other businesses. Began asking […]
Continue readingBoyne City —Harbor Springs, MI: 51 milesSaturday, June 9, 2018Ride today was fifty-one miles.I rode them all.Such a different ride day from yesterday.Early start in cool of day,Much flatter terrain,Twenty five miles of bike trail.Of the nine of us,Two men riders leave early and Fast each morning.One guy, Jerry, has riddenOne hundred-twenty-five-thousand bike trip miles […]
Continue readingTraverse City—near Boyne City, MI: 60 milesFriday, June 8, 2018I rode fifty miles.Total ride was sixty miles.Asked for “lift” to lodging for tonight,Which is Air B & B on a golf course.Very challenging ride for many.Hills, Hills, Hills.Stan with his Garmond device said 13% for one climb.Not surprising.I think we are cutting across all the […]
Continue readingEmpire—Traverse City, MI: 58 milesThursday, June 7, 2018Looking back through yesterday’s photos,Let me tell you story of one showing three of us,Ken, John, Lin rest area top of 11% climb.MI couple interested in what we were doing also at top.I asked man to take our photo.Sun was at angle so that he couldn’t see anything.”Go […]
Continue readingManistee to Empire, MI: 58 milesWednesday, June 6, 2018Much better ride day for me.Today’s start temp was 38 degrees,Wow! I wouldn’t go riding at that tempIf I were home.Layered up with most everything I brought,And was fine.Especially since temp rose 20 degrees in two hours.Then it was “strip tease” time on road edge.Good roads,Good shoulders,Helpful […]
Continue readingMears, MI —Manistee, MI: 60 milesTuesday, June 5, 2018Today was a long and challenging ride for me.Five miles longer than advertised,Because breakfast cafe was five mile round trip out of way.AND … Nobody wants to miss breakfast!All riding was on small highways,Many hills,Head wind at least half of time.Hard Work.(I’ll happily get back to trails)I […]
Continue readingMuskegon—Silver Lake, MI: 40 milesMonday, June 4, 2018**The Milwaukee trail in yesterday’s photos is Actually called “Hank Aaron” trail.I think my typo misnamed it as “Nike.” Today we’re housed in motel located in low area.I walked to top of hill to get message sent out. Funny standing beside highway,Trucks barreling by,Cell phone held to sky. Ride today was […]
Continue readingMilwaukee to Muskegon: 10 milesSunday, June 3, 2018What? Ten miles???Yes, that is our ride distance for today.Final packing this morning pre-breakfast.Destination down street same for all.We gathered, ate and talked our way into morning.Luggage dropped at SAG vehicle,Room keys returned,Now underway to ferry terminal on Lake Michigan.I rode with Nancy.Nancy and Ken organize, manage, run these […]
Continue readingPre-Trip Rest Day(Milwaukee Public Library pictured above)Saturday, June 2, 2018Did I say before that I wondered about day offBefore riding started?It has been just right for me today.Walked to breakfast with other riders.Good folks, pleasant.All of whom have ridden together many trips withThis company BAA, or their local bike clubs.It is reminder to me,About groups […]
Continue readingThe Trip to MilwaukeeFriday, June 1, 2018I am underway, Launching arrival part of journey.Bob and I have driven to Milwaukee,Heavy, heavy truck traffic on freeways,Nerve wracking, exhausting, prompting frazzle.Not way I want to start.Then lost on arrival in Milwaukee!Arghh….Could be litany of “downer” experience,Except….In crowded midst of downtown Milwaukee,Pulling over to ask construction crew for […]
Continue readingFamily Celebrations and Root River TrailSunday, May 20, 2018Hello My Friends, Nearing June 1st Lake Michigan Ride start date,Training up to 40 miles in a day—Feeling ready for the adventure. Last ten days filled to brim with training rides & logistics. Best though, has been family connection,Plus the Lin and Bob b-day bike trip on Root River Trail. Weekend of […]
Continue readingHard-knock Tips for Long Distance CyclingWednesday, May 16, 2018Back outside for lengthy bike rides,I rediscover helpful things I know for my own comfort.Things I Am Rediscovering as I Train for Lake Michigan Bike Ride:Have my right foot down every single time I get on bike,Otherwise… right knee hurts at end of ride.Lighten up grip on handlebars,Otherwise… […]
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