Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce


Lake Michigan Ride—Home Again

Montana Next—Change in WY plansSunday, June 24, 2018Column #1Hello Friends, Home from bike trip means:Adjusting routine, expanding wardrobe beyond bike shorts,Being grateful, missing riding,Doing laundry as bothNecessity and centering task. Tomorrow, Monday, June 25,Begin driving in car to MT.My four sisters and I meet annuallyFor reconnecting reunion.This year in Bozeman, MT. Shared time is important,As sister age gaps […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 19

Random Lake—Milwaukee, WI: 50 milesThursday, June 21, 2018Fifty-mile ride today.End of this bike journey.Ride today was under overcast skies,Threatened rain never did more than sprinkle on me.Of 50 miles, at least 40 were on trail.Amazing connection between towns along Lake Michigan.Followed Nancy again,Got exactly to each turn,Excellent.Bob arrived here about hour after I did,Having driven […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 18

Manitowoc—Random Lake, WI: 52 milesWednesday, June 20, 2018Today I rode Fifty Two miles! like everybody else.I followed Nancy all day.Nancy is person who has set routes,Knows exactly where to go.Perfect.”I’m really a Whiz,At this bicycle Biz,If somebody else does the guiding!”Because Random Lake is so small,Not much for tourist touring,Bare bone motel.We were encouraged to […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 17

Green Bay—Manitowoc, WI: 52 miles(I rode 57… read on for “why!”)Tuesday, June 19, 2018I rode 57 miles. Have you noticed these days When I have been bicycling entire day’s mileage,That I have more miles than route sheet? It’s not that I’m striving To add miles, like Stan.It is that I get lost. I do get “found.”Yesterday a police […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 16

Menominee, MI—Green Bay, WI: Zero biking milesMonday, June 18, 2018Arrive Green Bay via Mercedes van. Zero biking miles.Morning logistics a bit chaotic,No… just unusual.Bulk of storm came through last night. This morning heavy grey, overcast, not raining.Four guys, Gerry, Stan, Eric, Gene,Decided to ride.Ken prepared eight remaining bikes,For packing in back of Ford pickup vehicle.Removed front wheels, […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 15

Gladstone—Menominee, MI: 61 milesSunday, June 17, 2018Happy Fathers Day!If you are a father, special honoring to you today.Unable to access internet tonightDue to weather conditions.This post via text to my web person.Huge storm on way,Will interfere with biking tomorrow.Shuttle to be hired to get usTo Green Bay, WI.Mileage today was 61.I rode 66.Got a bit […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 14

Munising—Gladstone, MI: 70 miles (I rode 35)Saturday, June 16, 2018(Column 1)I rode 35 miles today.Hardly any pictures today.Usual day disrupted by weather.Report at 7:30am, approaching tornado!“Stay away from windows, park car protected spot.”Wow, we didn’t want to be outside in that.Long restaurant breakfast,Stocking tummies, waiting out weather.Nothing.Back at motel at 9am,Skies opened with heavy, heavy […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 13

Munising, MI—Rest Day!Friday, June15, 2018Rest Day!There was a time when Rest Day on my bike tripMeant…Cleaning my bike, doing my laundry. The two rest days we have had have beenPlaces with Nature tourist spots,Mackinack Island, and here in Munising, MIIt is Painted Rocks National LakeshoreCruises. I was not going to go.Then thought, “if not now, when?”Seeing sandstone […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 12

Day 11: Newberry—Grand Marais, MI: I rode 30 milesDay 12: Grand Marais—Munising, MI: I rode 35 milesThursday, June 14, 2018I rode 30 miles on 13th, Today, June 14th Flag Day, I rode 35.(You will see pictures of John G. wearing his Flag Day outfit) Funny how reliant we become on having Wi-Fi- available.At least ten people […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 11

To Be Continued…Lin’s lodging tonight, Wednesday, June 13, 2018 is without internet connection. She’ll take up her narrative tomorrow. Hang tight!Sneak Peek:(info via text)Today was a challenging day.Rained first hour and a half of ride.Sunny later with head wind.Shuttle last ten miles.Sore knee.Asked for help! This is the “sculpture tour,” for sure! Here with this moose […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 10

St. Ignace—Newberry, MI: 65 miles(I rode 41…)Tuesday, June 12, 2018Today’s ride was 65 miles.I rode 41 miles.The first thirty of those miles were wonderful,Not much elevation change, Excellent pavement, low traffic, Cool, sunny weather.At about thirty miles Left knee got so sore.At lunch stop / lunch on truck tail gate,I asked to put bike in […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 9

Mackinaw City—St. Ignace, MI: 10 milesMonday, June 11, 2018Today we rode ten miles.Really, today was get to Mackinac Island on ferry,Have whatever bike ride around island area you wanted to do,Take ferry to St Ignace.Smooth sailings,Sunny skies,Paved trail,Gorgeous sceneryArriving Mackinac Island at 10am,Docking area filled with ferry passengers,Figuring out their next move.Main street swirling with […]

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