Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
For the Sheer Joy of It!Thursday, October 4, 2018Hello Friends,Hip Hooray!Bob and I are on a short bicycle tripOn Root River Trail.Our hoped for, fall trip is in “full pedal.”Original more extended plan:Looping some part of MN,Got modified.Partial rain, pretty chilly weather—Predicted weather conditions made trail riding(Avoiding highway traffic if raining),Most attractive (and safe) option.Here […]
Continue readingSpeaking at Fifty NorthTuesday, September 25, 2018I had a wonderful morning!I got to speak at Fifty North.For first time, I used a microphone that fit over one ear,Battery in my pocket, requiring no hands.No hampering to movement or gestures,Fun! Because microphone drooped, I wore BandaidOn side of face to keep microphone by my mouth.And I did […]
Continue readingSaturday, September 15, 2018Have you noticed?How much darker early morning is?To “Crazi” at seven a.m. for breakfastBeautiful sunrise over town’s lovely lake,Bonus for day.Guidebook described 19 miles paved trail,Between Hutchinson and Winsted.Yippee! Realizing paved trail is favorite.Being in Winsted, that was our start point.Following signs to Luce Line Trail,Led to field of two-foot-high weeds,Single track […]
Continue readingTwo-Day Late Summer RideFriday, September 14, 2018Loaded bikes on car for drive to Winsted, MNAbout mid point of Luce Line Rail Trail.Of course, first thing to do in Winsted:Find coffee and maybe lunch.”Crazi On The Lake” turned out to be place for both.(Owners pictures above.)If ever your travels take you near Winsted,Go to “CRAZI.”Charming interior, […]
Continue readingSturgeon Lake to Hinckley, MN: 30 milesThursday, August 9, 2018Hello My Friends, I am writing from Northfield.Returned, via car, this afternoon 2:30. Bob and I said to each other,”Sorry to have this bike trip end.” Actually, that is a good ending,Longing for more.Rather than … “Finally! Whew! This is done!” Today backtracking miles ridden yesterday,Different experiences.No wind, usually biker’s […]
Continue readingBack on the Willard Munger TrailWednesday, August 8, 2018Hello My Friends, Ride todayHinckley -> Moose Lake for lunch -> back to Sturgeon Lake Motel.That was 43 miles after wandering, a little lookingIn tiny towns. Hot! by time we got to our “Digs” for tonight. First milepost sign out of Hinckley said “76” for our morning start point.That means there […]
Continue readingSplit Rock State Park, Duluth, and on to HinckleyTuesday, August 7, 2018Hello, My Friends, Today was different adventure in midst of this Bike Trip. When we are on North Shore of Lake Superior,Favorite place to go is Split Rock State Park.That is a great place to search for “special” rocks. Bob especially enjoys doing that.(Actually, both of us) You […]
Continue readingNorth Edge of Duluth to Canal ParkMonday, August 6, 2018Thirsty miles along edge of Lake Superior! Oh, what a beautiful ride.We parked at Scenic Cafe on scenic highwayHalf way between Duluth and Two Harbors. Pedaling on wide, smooth highway shoulder,Views of Lake Superior on our side,Wonderful. We connected with bike trail into Duluth.It is amazing to me to […]
Continue readingNext “stage” of our Northern MN bike tripSunday, August 5, 2018Hello Friends, This next “stage” of our bike tripWas riding portion of Willard Munger Trail.This trail is Lo-o-o-ng, Twin Cities to Duluth, MN. Our ride was thirty milesDuluth -> Carleton-> Duluth.Excellent resource for area,Many folks using trail,Even with very warm day. Trail passes through some massive cuts in […]
Continue readingNo Biking Day–Special EventSaturday, August 4, 2018Hello Friends, Today was wonderful!Important gathering honoring memory of our friend Libby Muir.You will remember that Bob and I crafted some bicycle tripsAround opportunity to visit Libby Muir at her assisted living apartmentIn Grand Rapids, MN. This bike trip scheduling has had “Muir Children Honoring Their Mom”As THE absolute given Aug […]
Continue readingHere, There and Everywhere: Virginia, McKinley, Eveleth and Gilbert, MNFriday, August 2, 2018Hello My Friends, These rambling reports may be delayed some.My photographer, dear Bob, is not able to send pictures Via usual way to web manager. Argh!! On scale of mattering, this is very small.We get so used to instant techno functions,I get thinking it […]
Continue readingLaunching a week-long bike-trip with BobThursday, August 2, 2018Hello My Dear Friends! I am gently biking-tripping with Bob.Exactly my intention for my Rest-of-season bike adventures. This is significant restart of my favorite activity.I’ve felt discouraged and flat,Since return from West. Discouraged and Flat drains enthusiasm,Squashes sense of Possibility.Not Fun. Being out now … is upward turn,Reminding me I like […]
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