Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce

Yes, You Can!

Sanibel Island— Day 5Monday, March 11, 2019Hello My Friends,Today’s ride had two destinations:”Peel and Eat Shrimp” restaurant, and Grocery store.That put us in center of most stores, lots of people, Tons of bike traffic.Bike trail was crowded with all sorts of riders,Spanning all ages and all levels of experience.On section where path was Too narrow, […]

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Sanibel Island Day 4

Bicycling mileage was low and slow.
Absolutely delightful! Reminding me that taking time to appreciate my journey, Is what I can choose to do daily, On or off bicycle, in any place.

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Reaching Out with Gratitude

As 2018 Winds To a CloseThursday, December 6, 2018Hello Friends, We’re into winter weather & confines,Short light, long dark,Grey hours filling many days.Makes biking seem something of Another time. I’m riding stationary bike,Attending exercise classes at Senior Center,Walking my condo building hallways,Which are ice-free, flat, warm.Being active in different ways. During fall I rehearsed with St Olaf Chorale,Non […]

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Bike Season Ending

Looking toward season aheadMonday, October 22, 2018Hello My Friends, Our proposed three-day bike trip—Not happening.Surprise trip that I was going to tell you,Didn’t pan out. Weather forecast of high windOn open roads,Derailed plan. Our Cannon Trail ride,Protected from wind, wearing multiple layers,Was sole biking for two of us now. Weather is moving beyond comfortable riding.Actually,Pretty much “fair-weather riding”Is my […]

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Home from Root River Trail

Preston to Lanesboro and back: 14 milesSunday, October 7, 2018Today’s mileage: 14 miles ridden.We’re back in Northfield,After trip that was fun!It is hard on my ego to add up miles ridden.Sixty-three or four, Total for our days of biking.Motivation for this trip:Get to bike,Have fun,Spend time together.Did all of that … very successful outing.Today we […]

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Family Visit Time

Taking My Own AdviceSaturday, October 6, 2018“Keep stretching for ways to give life to my days…” No biking at all today! Connections: that round the family circle,that keep us up to date,that get us to remember shared times,that show us new skills,that tickle the funny-bone. Those were important parts of Family visits in WI today. Taking my own advice—It’s […]

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Root River Trail Return—Day 2

Rushford, WI—Lanesboro, MN: 33 milesFriday, October 5, 2018Rain was heavy during dark of night.This morning, wet trails.Dry bodies.From first pedal stroke, Raincoats part of uniform worn today.Made good layer for warmth,And just-in-case ready for rain that didn’t come.I started my ride from Rushford,Bob started from Peterson where he parked car.Bob was flat-out with bad cold […]

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