Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
When your mind’s approaching a tail-spin,
That could be a time when you check in,
With what you can do,
To make your sky blue.
Such a far better way to begin.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 When Life isn’t matching your Route Sheet,You can make some “tweaks” and still not cheat.Do not ignore,What you’ve done before.Those things can apply as a neat-treat!How do you help your “route sheet” challenges?Prompted by last week’s post about”Why Would You Not?”Saturday I rode in the Defeat of Jesse James Day ride.Rolling […]
Continue readingJust what is the question you’re asking?
Just what is the thought that it’s masking?
Will thinking go deep?
Will it make you keep
New outlook regarding your “tasking”?
We’ve shared many years being married.
Some were smooth-as-silk and some harried,
We’ve come to love more
Than ever before.
And learned—life is really quite varied.
The gift when my days are Bright-Shiny,
Contrasts with a day Dark-and-Whiney.
Delight—I can feel.
By noticing gifts, Large or Tiny.
I pulled out the spice in the “C” spot,
Without taking heed of what-I-got.
I put in the spice,
I didn’t “sniff twice”.
My cinnamon soup is a New Lot!
Continue readingTo ask for some help, you must “play” Brave.
As hard as it is, it might just save
The day when you’re stuck.
It might bring you luck.
Lifting you out of your “help-less” cave.
My travel turned into a treasure,
A time bringing wealth beyond measure.
The very best part,
Has filled up my heart.
Relationships—richness and pleasure.
An outcome from time spent connecting,
With caring and thought intersecting.
A confidence boost,
My worries reduced,
I move on with new hope reflecting.
When I have a “run” of forgetting,
No doubt the results are upsetting.
I’m close to despair,
Still one can declare,
An outcome may show up abetting.
While biking inside, I growl and groan,
“This is so BORING, I sigh and moan,”
Then I hear that nudge,
And I think “Oh, fudge!
I must step beyond my comfort zone!”
My bike ride turn’d into sightseeing.
With viewing that prompted wellbeing.
With colors intense,
On murals immense,
A true rush of Joy guaranteeing.