Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce


Wishbone Wish

First time in years
I’ve rescued the turkey “wishbone.”
One of best things from meal is,
Broth from turkey carcass bones.

There it was—Wishbone,
Inviting me to wish.

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Weather Moods

How is weather affecting your mood?
Oh my, this warm week unlocked
Eager-to-be-outside joy!
I saw it everywhere I saw people.
Happy to be out, “doing.”

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Shaking it up

How have you “livened” up your COVID life this week?
Let me think of that question for myself …
Stationary bike riding let me finish very good book.

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79-year-old to the rescue

Bob and I came upon a LARGE tree branch blocking bike trail. Off we got to move it aside. Push, pull, twist, — progress. Final need was lifting branch to clear post. Heavy, heavy, we couldn’t lift high enough. Behind us a voice…

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Life Sparks

What “spark” did you plan for yourself? Spark in my life—fun, spirit-lifting outing—a trailhead site in Houston, MN: Root River Trail.

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