Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Seven weeks from June 13 until start of Empire State Ride.
Does it fit to be a
Biking web post?
Eight weeks from June 5 until start of Empire State Ride.
Another day of big wind & high temps,
Requiring my careful time-plan to ride bike.
That is, for my optional bike rides.
Ten weeks from May 30 until start date.
Along a bike trail,
I saw sign on small cafe —
“Friday is Pie Day”.
As of May 23, ten weeks ’til bike trip!
A ride this week was
One of most exhausting I’ve ridden!
Wasn’t length — 27mi. very do-able now.
Eleven weeks until start of Empire State Ride.
No biking to report.
Unusual week filled with time-consuming appts.
Each important with positive outcome,
Each gulping down time.
12 weeks until start of Empire State Bike Tour
Not much biking for me this week.
“Living-my-life-happy” events,
Things that come ’round annually,
Were center of attention.
Did I ask you that before?
It’s been relevant for me this week.
Staying diligent & consistent,
Increasing mileage as I ride nearly daily,
Needed an “auto-pilot” setting.
Positive start on longer ride-days.
20, 30, even a 40 miler this week!
Quiet bike trail.
Quiet ride “playmate”, Bob,
Pedaling under new-green fringe of spring,
Truly FUN!
Showing up,
Completing the task.
Grumbling as I go.
I guess that’s “consistent & persistent”.
Continue readingMine came from 13-year-old source.
“Seems big — but
Actually, just bunch of little things”.
Slightly longer rides this week.
These longer ride days are
Relearning, AGAIN, that
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