Lin Bruce

Author Archives: Lin Bruce


Course Corrections

Adjusting to conditions on the ground.

Well, we didn’t all ride 23 miles.
Stan rode the whole 60-mile route.
Super-rider, Stan.

Day was a bit complicated,
Though well thought through.
Today’s heat index, forecast over 100.

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Power of Perspective

Consider the power in a change of perspective.

I learned that “kill” means “river” in Dutch.
Makes the town name “better to my ear.”

On road at 6:45 a.m.
Attempt to beat-the-heat.

Trail beside Hudson River,
Lovely trees, great views.

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Rest Day Delights

What is fun down time for you?

I’ve had two long hill walks.
(Lest we get out of shape on rest day)
Neither involving bicycle.

From & to our hilltop motel,
To Nyack main street,
Mid-morning wander.

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Life Crossings

Making your way at Life’s Crossings.

My highlight of this HOT day?
Definitely was pedaling over Hudson River,
On Cuomo Bridge, for pedestrians & bicycles.
Three & half miles of special lanes.

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Thrill of a Gentle Ride

A Rail Trail is wonderful!

Harlem Valley Rail Trail—
Early in today’s ride.
Twenty-four miles of flat, calm riding.

Remaining miles into lunch stop
Had moderate hills.
The kind that seem worth
Pedaling up, for coasting down.

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Handling Big Hills

Training for this bike ride,
Should have been 50% daily walking up some very steep hill,
Pushing my bicycle!

Today’s hills were killers.
Even Stan, who is extremely strong,
Actually, strongest rider,
Talked about the consistent
Hills of 10% to 14% grade.

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Patience and Flexibility

Today brought lessons in patience and flexibility.
I am a VERY impatient “waiting-person.”
If you know me well, that’s not new to you.

Arriving at Glens Falls, Queensbury Hotel at 3pm,
We had one hour wait for 4:00pm check-in.
That stretched to six o’clock.

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Power of Self-Care

Bike trips have SO many
Learning Opportunities!
Self-Care is definitely one.

I get embarrassed to report that I didn’t
Bike ALL miles.
My after-lunch decision to get driven in
By SAG in van—
Very smart.

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