Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Sometimes “the easy way” is NOT a cop-out!
Forecast of heavy rain,
Route with extremely steep hills—
Struggle up, rollercoaster down.
Decision was to shuttle all directly to Auburn.
What richness are connections bringing you?
Cazenovia, N.Y. is growing-up home of
Good Friend, Elizabeth;
Many years librarian colleague of Bob’s.
Her roots go back six generations here.
With that in mind, I sought out The Century House.
“Down” days can give new view.
Today I chose to remain off my bike.
I know that riding in the van gives
Totally different view of pedaled route.
Are you asking for help when you need it?
Four of our group,
Made sure I was on route today.
Putting me in “middle” of line,
Waiting at top of hill,
When I walked up.
What refreshment do you need?
Today we rode.
Weather, much cooler.
The remaining group,
Making up our “riding band” for next days
Numbers nine.
What transition are you navigating?
Another very high heat index day.
Decision not to ride.
Via company van,
We rode in AC vehicle to Albany.
Two trips required.
Adjusting to conditions on the ground.
Well, we didn’t all ride 23 miles.
Stan rode the whole 60-mile route.
Super-rider, Stan.
Day was a bit complicated,
Though well thought through.
Today’s heat index, forecast over 100.
Consider the power in a change of perspective.
I learned that “kill” means “river” in Dutch.
Makes the town name “better to my ear.”
On road at 6:45 a.m.
Attempt to beat-the-heat.
Trail beside Hudson River,
Lovely trees, great views.
What is fun down time for you?
I’ve had two long hill walks.
(Lest we get out of shape on rest day)
Neither involving bicycle.
From & to our hilltop motel,
To Nyack main street,
Mid-morning wander.
Making your way at Life’s Crossings.
My highlight of this HOT day?
Definitely was pedaling over Hudson River,
On Cuomo Bridge, for pedestrians & bicycles.
Three & half miles of special lanes.
A Rail Trail is wonderful!
Harlem Valley Rail Trail—
Early in today’s ride.
Twenty-four miles of flat, calm riding.
Remaining miles into lunch stop
Had moderate hills.
The kind that seem worth
Pedaling up, for coasting down.
Training for this bike ride,
Should have been 50% daily walking up some very steep hill,
Pushing my bicycle!
Today’s hills were killers.
Even Stan, who is extremely strong,
Actually, strongest rider,
Talked about the consistent
Hills of 10% to 14% grade.