Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Knowing THE SINGLE thing
Needing to be accomplished in a day,
Is probably my favorite things about a bike trip.
Pedal to the next destination!
Continue readingHow are you tending your time?
I am so privileged to have been on this trip
Choosing what makes my heart sing.
Lucky me.
This has been my last day
Riding & being with this bicycle group.
You never know when your web
Of connections will overlap!
Ride took us through “Park of Trails,”
In Rochester NY.
“Notorious for people getting lost.”
My good fortune—riding behind Nancy!
Not lost.
You know those days when you’re perfectly
In the Flow and everything’s great?
That was today.
Forty miles on bike trail,
MY picture of ideal biking.
Rest Day?
Not exactly.
Experience, informative, interesting day?
Do you prefer crowded rush, or slower pace?
We rode about 20 miles of GOOD trail.
Very nice.
I like being on lengths of trail;
Knowing those miles are my clear route.
Learning what you don’t want
Powerful part of choosing what you DO want.
Fast food breakfast to feed many quickly.
“Tim Horton’s,” new-to-me chain.
Getting out to beat heat as much as possible.
Prompting that early breakfast source.
Even with hi-tech weather info,
You really don’t know, until you live the day.
Susan & I walked to breakfast clad in
Raincoat & rain pants.
Nancy found report for
Better weather mid-morning.
Start time switched to 9:30.
Sometimes “the easy way” is NOT a cop-out!
Forecast of heavy rain,
Route with extremely steep hills—
Struggle up, rollercoaster down.
Decision was to shuttle all directly to Auburn.
What richness are connections bringing you?
Cazenovia, N.Y. is growing-up home of
Good Friend, Elizabeth;
Many years librarian colleague of Bob’s.
Her roots go back six generations here.
With that in mind, I sought out The Century House.
“Down” days can give new view.
Today I chose to remain off my bike.
I know that riding in the van gives
Totally different view of pedaled route.