Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
November on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Known for time of cold, & Big, Crashing Waves on Lake. Well — sometimes.
Continue readingMaking decisions? — hard for me.
So many angles to consider.
Bike rides on the two paved trailsAbout 15 miles from home.Cannon Valley Trail & Sakatah Trail.Great finale for 2021 Trail pedaling. Different views show up sinceTrees and bushes are mostly leafless. Lengths of trail with overarching branches;Earlier appearing as leafy green tunnels,Now show “basic” structure.Like cathedral beams meetingAt top of ceiling. Are we like that?With […]
Continue readingNatural season changes coming soon,
I’m resisting.
Positive possibilities haven’t yet grabbed me.
In that way, I’m sort of a “Grump-Slump”.
Have you ever been in that spot?
Third week of October —
Blue skies and weather warm enough for
Glorious outdoor time!
I’m just back from speaking to
Great group of women.
Waseca, MN, Catholic Daughters —
They are my expanded awareness.
On rides through countryside
I pass many stands selling Pumpkins!
Do you wonder if all of those hundreds
Become Jack-O-Lanterns?
Another speaking opportunity this week,
Reminding me that there is always more to learn.
I “got” the parallel, that
Like bike trips, there are predictable parts,
Bicycles, miles pedaled, hills, weather.
My talk this week in Farmington, MN,
Engaged, attentive audience,
Giving me their interested response
To my story.
My immediate focus is preparing
A TALK for some Senior Center gigs.
I want it to be interesting,
Encouraging, — especially encouraging.
Reminding us to live fully.
Gently, gratefully, I’m home.
Biking, tasks, obligations, opportunities,
Beginning to blur together.
Yet, each exists as rich piece in my life tapestry.