Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
I start this task that’s habitual,
Simple, and even instinctual.
I note with surprise,
That here in disguise,
Is something that is now a Ritual.
My birthday had much celebration.
Connections of all variation.
They fill up my heart,
And give me the start,
For my year of great jubilation!
For me, that question feels hard to answer.
Is that true for you as well?
This week I’ve watched & listened to
Daily interviews about “Radically Reframing Aging.”
at covers your need.
When really your deed
Is getting some help with your brave ask.
Melt-water is running and I’m thrilled!
I’m naming this movement as “hope-filled”.
Winter end in sight,
With more hours of light.
But cold yet to come is still strong-willed.
When missing some color that brings zest,
Figure out some splash for a home test.
Dazzling your eyes.
A color surprise ,
Color-filled recovery of your “best”.
This task is too big; it has laid bare,
Resistance and doubt,– do I now dare
To see the job through?
Stretch what I can do?
Remember, “Keep at it. You’ll get there”.
I went to the Zoom-time assuming
No personal tie, since we’re Zooming.
Yet to my surprise,
There’s warmth in folk’s eyes.
Participants look like they’re blooming.
To train for this ride is a “carrot,”
It gives indoor cycling great merit.
I’ll regain my strength,
And pedal the length
Of trails on this trip; I will swear it!
So rather than being judgmental,
What if instead, you could be gentle?
I think we will find,
That when we are kind,
Our progress is still incremental!!
If rather than moving, you’re stalling,
If couch-time is what you hear calling,
Think what you can find,
To spark up your mind.
An outcome, completely enthralling.
My “intention phrase; my “prism phrase” for 2022 is
So much swirls through my day,
Quickly and sometimes fleeting.