Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
When riding has made me so happy,
When leaves are so dry, they are snappy,
I listen and hear
Music to my ear.
That’s sung by the happy Grandpappy!
When something you’ve worked for has happened,
Announce it as upbeat, not flattened.
No di-min-ish-ment.
Try sig-ni-fi-cant
Cheers to keep happy, never saddened.
Whenever I am speaking and voice
Some adventure that ends with rejoice,
I hope that the tale
With strength will prevail,
Bringing action and joy to your choice.
My efforts seem sometimes “unmoving.”
And sometimes I feel like I’m “grooving.”
Each small thing I do,
Will help me get through
The inching-forth task of “improving.”
My outing to view Fermentation,
Required my mind’s adaptation.
New thinking through Art,
With messages smart.
I learned from each field observation.
When summer has come to its “bottom,”
It’s followed by colors of autumn.
With yellow and red
We’re vibrantly fed
With bright views, and truly I’ve got ’em.
I wonder as I keep on changing,
How I’ll go about with arranging
Activities smart
That feed soul and heart.
My thoughts are unclear and wide-ranging.
My body and mind had conspired,
Which made me feel achy and tired.
I found that the best,
Was hours of rest.
Seems just what my psyche required.
You think that you know from your mapping,
The “all” of the ride you are tapping.
It could be that you,
Change to something new.
Original mapping, now scrapping.
Hearing “Bloops” can cause hilarity.
Answers one speaks with sincerity—
That don’t match at all,
Can even appall,
Lacking my hearing’s dexterity.
Our rides are a fine celebration,
Of marriage as Life Education.
We’ve learned through the years,
With laughter and tears.
Arriving to this Affirmation
Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.