Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Author Archives: Lin Bruce
Life can get heavy and serious.
Mindset can be deleterious.
Have fun and go play,
To brighten your way.
Remedy clear! Not mysterious.
With your heart open and generous,
Beware of hackers most venomous.
Connect with a call.
Before we befall
Their wiles; which turn out to be virtue-less.
When you’ve had a day that seems hateful,
When worries fill more than a plateful,
Acknowledge those woes.
Notice those lows.
And then shift your thinking to “Grateful.”
“She wasn’t just talking about biking,
She was talking about life.”
Task’s lost momentum, I think I’ll quit.
Inner self will surely throw-a-fit.
So what can I do,
To see the task through?
Now is the time I can recommit.
What happens when you are assuming?
When you’re sure you know, you’re presuming?
Your not checking facts,
Adversely impacts,
A chance that might not be resuming.
A positive thing when it’s snowing
Is seeing that wind is not blowing.
If wind’s in the mix,
That is a bad fix!
‘Cause then you can’t see where you’re going.
As I am beginning this new year,
I have just one thought that is so clear.
The times I can share
With whomever’s there,
Are routes to connections that endear.
Holidays “wrapped” with old usual,
Can make me feel quite confusional.
Made quiet and spare,
With things that show care;
Holidays can be quite beautiful!
Accepting an offer, a Help-Gift,
Can open the way for a big shift.
A task that gets done,
Or something that’s fun.
Surefire route to a mental lift.
When not knowing how is impeding,
And gets in the way of proceeding,
The best thing to do,
To get your new view …
Get Help for your road to succeeding!