Asking and Angels
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
To ask for some help, you must “play” Brave.
As hard as it is, it might just save
The day when you’re stuck.
It might bring you luck.
Lifting you out of your “help-less” cave.
How do you feel about Asking for Help?
You know that my second shift is “Get Help.”
That’s hard for me.
Era I grew up in, and
Family dynamics that let me know
I had to be able to take care of It myself,
Or I didn’t get to do It.
Here’s a “Help” story that comes from my MT visit.
Evening of arrival day,
After great visit with Bill,
Time to get to my motel.
Pulled out number I’d been given:
Taxi Co in Bozeman.
“Nope, I don’t do in-town miles,” he said.
I guess his was a trip-to-the-mountains Co.
He gave me another number.
That one had voice-mail message:
“Closed for the day at 7:30.”
Time was now 7:45. No help there.
Argh, feeling stranded!
Right then, a woman walked across lobby space.
“Excuse me,” I said. “This is very bold…
I flew in from MN; here visiting my 94 yr old uncle.
Would you give me a ride to my motel?”
She stood, thought, considered.
“Yes,” she said.
“I’ll bring the car ’round and pick you up.”
Here she came in her blue Subaru Forester.
I climbed in and said,
“We drive a Subaru Forester, white.”
(Instant bond.)
I introduced myself, “My name is Lin, spelled L-i-n.”
“I’m Susan,” she replied.
“My best friend is Lynne—different spelling.
I come here often during week, to visit my Dad, also 94.”
We found we had common experiences.
By the time we reached motel,
We considered ourselves friends.
Next day as I was leaving Bill’s retirement center,
I saw Susan in her blue Subaru about to drive away.
“Susan!!” She opened her window so we could talk.
“Susan, I have spent all day telling people about
The stranger who became my friend.
The angel who got me to my night’s home.”
Susan said, “Funny, I have spent day telling people
About this lady who was very Brave and
Asked me for a ride, for help.
She needed Help.
I got to give it!!”
Folks, screw up courage and ask for help.
You may be giving a gift to the person who helps you.