And We’re Off
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Council Bluffs to Avoca, IA: 46 miles, I rode 25.
It’s hard to say it’s fun when one’s cold.
When fingers get stiff and they don’t fold.
That time on my bike,
Is not what I like.
Yet, after I thaw-out, I’m still sold.
No rain today!
Nine a.m. start, forty three degrees, wind …
Three miles out, totally unmarked construction
Deep ditch, very muddy surroundings, blocked trail.
Some determined riders explored possibility of
Walking bikes around end.
Oh, Wow! Mud, and more mud!
Those intrepid explorers ending up with
Mud in brakes, coating tires, filling cleats,
Covering shoes, mud-tracks clear up on jackets.
Unhappy folks.
COLD riding today; high temp of 48 with wind.
All riders layered with variety of bike gear & jackets.
Not enough for comfort, it turned out.
We rode LOTS of hills.
Those swoop-down and crank-up kind.
Seems that the “swoop-down”
Never enough to cover the “crank-up” required.
At 25 miles, Nancy declared her knees
Could not take any more hills.
She would call to be picked up.
I was happy with that
Being nearly bone-cold, and getting tired.
Those 25 miles were satisfying.
Some beautiful countryside.
Some landscape that included blooming trees and flowers.
I am glad to be on the ride.
P.S. Leave a comment below—I read them and will respond!
**Photo at top: Tall, tall statue looking at sky alongside Missouri River