An Encouraging Grip
The ocean we viewed was quite charming,
The water was really alarming!
It ripped out the sand
From under my stand.
To stay, needed confidence-arming.
When have you needed an encouraging grip?
Bob and I are in Florida!

Morning walk to ocean,
We sat on sand ledge,
Watching water, waves, people.
A brother and sister raced to the water,
Slowed, tentatively went in.
Shock of a cold wave showed up in
Rigid bodies, uncertain what to do.
As water rushed back, fear is what showed next.
Another couple of attempts, then
Brother stopped trying the water.
Eventually, Brother reappeared with
Adult / Dad holding out his arm as water surged in.
Grabbing that confident arm,
Brother cringed with the wave …
And stayed in the water.
Dad stayed and “played.”
Crouching to keep his balance when water pulled hard,
Turning his back to the big waves,
Standing back up when water pulled him down,
Finding another foothold when the sand washed away.
Little by little, Brother’s fear dissolved,
His ocean-time filling with shared fun,
And new confidence.
Isn’t that what we would all like?
When metaphorical “waves” are engulfing us?
Our foothold, thought to be solid,
Turns out to be sand, washing out-from-under our feet?
That gift of an extended arm or hand,
Can make things possible.
Knowing there is a solid arm to grab,
Until I learn how to be okay,
I’ll be brave enough to try again.
That extended arm —
Grab hold!