A New View

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

I notice how often I hurry;
Passing by things in a flurry. 
There’s really no need,
For dashing with speed.
Which makes what I pass rather blurry!

How are you giving yourself a “new view?”

Bob’s and my two and a half days
Spent biking and visiting
In Wisconsin were wonderful.

This bike trip had a different “rhythm.”
We stopped and ate our picnic enroute, 
At pleasant rest stop location.
Usual is to “picnic” in car while driving.

Riding bike trails, we took time—
Noting flowers, reading info signs,
Resting a bit after consuming water & an energy bar.
Usual—and it is MY pattern—  
Is to get back on bike right now.
Get on to our goal-of-the-day.

Two new-to-us WI trails:
“Omaha Trail” and “400 Trail,”
Were our biking paths.

Omaha trail has 875-foot tunnel.
I know—not so long—I know.
But SO DARK in middle.
Slight curve meant a bright spot of entrance
Or exit, wasn’t visible.

We walked our bikes along one tunnel side,
On fairly consistent hard-pack surface.
Safe transit, but 

I hadn’t bothered to read trail description.
No lights on bikes, or in bags.
So dark.
Another learning experience, and reminder.

400 Trail had flowers along sides,
Information signs, flora/ history/ geology.
Smoother hard-pack surface.

Grand Finale of outing:
Visit with dear young friends,
Our children’s generation,
At their home—
Stone house built in 1850’s.

Lovingly and skillfully restored & maintained,
It was as though we were dining midst
Historic beauty, thoughtfully coaxed to current life.

Fabulous food,
Visiting to catch-up on non-intersecting years,
Sharing current heart-felt interests,
Truly enriching my life.

Amazing gifts.
Lucky me.
May you, too, find your “new view.”


Rocky bluffs
Gnarly roots on bluff
Impressive geology
Tunnel ahead!
Bob at tunnel entrance
Nearing tunnel exit
Resting bikes
Leisurely picnic
Leopard lilies
1850’s stone house
Important, wonderful friends
Dear Wisconsin host
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Muriel Pool Hachfeld - August 3, 2022

Lin, I loved this posting… great poetry… great photos… interesting story of Bob and your travels. Traveling through the tunnel perhaps was a new experience; or at least it was a surprise. The house in which your friends live is amazing. I also love being in places like this.
Have a great day today. Muriel

    Lin Bruce - August 3, 2022

    Thank you, Muriel! Yes, there were numbers of “new” things about the trip that made it feel fresh and invigorating. <3

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