60th Reunion Ride: Day 9
Rest Day: Valentine, NE—23 mile ride
July 2, 2016
"What?" you might be thinking,
"Ride 23 mile on rest day?"
I did ride early in day.
Cool temps, quiet hwy, cloudy sky.
Long views, rolling hills, open space.
I liked it.
Tomorrow's end point has to be Gordon, Nebr.
'Cause that is closest motel.
Gordon is 91 miles away,
Much farther than I want to bike in one day.
So I polished off 23 of those miles this morning.
Valentine, crossroad for two Nebr hwys,
Usually sleepy.
Not so this weekend.
Folks on way to vacation sites,
Rodeo folks driving pickups loaded with their horses.
Motorcyclists on way to S.D., maybe Sturgis.
Bob and Lin strolling down street.
Bustling !
Yesterday I started seeing what,
As kid, I called "Kleenex flowers."
In those olden days,
No "anti-litter laws" in Wyoming,
So our mother allowed us to toss used Kleenex out car window.
Sometimes, white fluttery Kleenex caught on weed stems.
This white, papery thin bloom,
With thistle like leaves,
Looks a bit like
Thistle snagging tissue.
It actually has name,
Which my sister, Jean, tells me every year.
Still I only know it as "Kleenex flower".
Sprawling, one story, Super 8 motel,
Length of 1 1/2 football fields has 200 rooms.
Convenient lodging for folks hunting and fishing.
Notice door sign.
Tasks for today:
Grocery store purchases,
Cutting Bob's hair.
Guy and wife in SUV
Pulled up beside us,
Shouted,"what time can I get appt?"
Chilly today.
Silk long underwear, always item packed,
Under nylon sport pants,
Wool sweater,
Comfortable attire.
Rest day usual—laundry—
Done last night.
Bike is wiped off.
We are taking it easy.

Closer shot of brick bas relief

Vista from Valentine: amber waves of grasses...

Rest Day in Valentine, NE

"Kleenex flowers" as I will forever know them.

Unique cautionary sign... I feel for the housekeeping staff who had to deal with the inciting incidents!

Admiring this fabulous bas relief work in brick.