60th Reunion Ride: Day 8
Ainsworth to Valentine, NE: 49 miles
July 1, 2016
How lucky with this ride!
Weather gods are looking out for us.
Day of awful humidity - heat in MN,
Wind, which I've played to advantage.
Storms have taken routes different than ours.
Rain is predicted for this afternoon,
Our Valentine motel will be shelter.
Quieter Hwy 20,
Temps of mid sixties,
Gentle grey sky,
With Wind-At-My-Back,
Made quick 49 miles into Valentine.
Interesting today was my ride on Cowboy Trail
Seven miles into Valentine.
Off-road, rail trail, gravel surface,
Stretching 200 miles across Nebraska.
Only some of those 200 miles maintained
For ride ease.
Gravel surface reminds me of Mickelson Trail in So. Dakota.
Wider tires than mine would feel secure.
When considering reunion ride ten years ago,
I heard of Cowboy Trail.
Excited at possibility, I called Nebraska DNR.
Voice told me,"Poor riding many areas, plus,
Goat-head weeds dropping seed this time of year,
Makes for flat tires every few miles.
Consider adjacent Hwy 20; good shoulder."
Thus was the ride of 2006.
Today, my chance to ride stretch of Cowboy Trail.
Long, VERY high trestle bridge,
Beautiful view, photo op, and
Height made me nervous!
I rode right smack in middle,
With eyes on far end where solid ground
Beckoned safety.
Of course I was safe the whole way.
When you come this way with your bicycle,
Ride some miles on Cowboy Trail.
Hugs to you,
P.S. Today's limerick, not my best, but...
When riding on very high bridges,
You might look ahead at the ridges.
By inching ahead
You'll conquer the dread,
Get a picture to post on your 'fridges!
P.P.S. We will stay two nights here in Valentine—rest day tomorrow. Lodging is FULL for holiday weekend.

Artistic rendering of the Cowboy Trail railroad trestle bridge.

Packing up to depart from Ainsworth, NE

Super-Biking-Beak leaves Ainsworth, NE in the dawn's early light.

Coffee break stop in park shaded by cottonwood trees.

My bike on the Cowboy Trail

Cowboy Trail Railroad Trestle bridge —actual crossing.

Museum in Valentine, NE—endpoint for today's ride. Done by lunchtime today with tailwind!