60th Reunion Ride: Day 7
O'Neill to Ainsworth, NE: 51 miles
June 30, 2016
Bob and I are laughing.
We just asked each other what day of week it is,
What town we are in.

I move down the roads through towns,
Noticing mostly roads and their shoulders,
Wind directions and
Parks with outhouses.
Single focus "bicycle bubble" has become my mode.
I like the single focus.
I played / utilized the wind today.
Efficient, comical, to change biking directions,
Several times, to be able to bicycle fifty miles,
With wind help.
First twenty miles west to Atkinson had head wind.
So next miles were east until wind shifted,
From North.
On map, Bob found hwy going south.
That was my next great flying journey
To get to fifty miles.
Like being as weightless as a kite,
(well, I still had to pedal)
Very Fun!
Maybe you know that to pass the time
As I ride, and to distract my mind from the hard pedaling,
I sometimes come up with new lyrics about biking
For familiar tunes.
Today my mind spun a limerick instead.
Here is my limerick:
I see that the wind is not blowing,
Toward the direction you're going.
Pick the way that you need
To give you wind speed,
And arrive without bitching and woe-ing!
Hugs to each,
P.S. Since I usually bike at about ten miles per hour, getting to sixteen mph with tail wind is like flying.

My bike -- at home on the range! (aren't my screaming yellow bike bags great?)

My bike, the road, and the great big Nebraska sky.

Suiting up to leave from O'Neill, Nebraska just before 7am

Purple roadside blooms on the edge of the highway... (nitrogen fixators!)

Set up to write blog/trip notes after the day's ride. Once upon a time this techie stuff stopped me in my tracks. I've come a long way!

Today's clothesline...

Locking bikes on car for the night