60th Reunion Ride: Day 6
CroFton to O'Neill, Nebraska: 50 miles
June 29, 2016
Meadowlark song along morning route,
Reminded me of story from my
Mama, ... Mary.
Mary's mother, whom I never knew,
Told her daughter that the Meadowlark's song said,
"Mary is a pretty little girl,"
"Mary is a pretty little girl."
I listened.
They were right.
Both the Mother and the bird.
Beautiful country riding along hwy 12,
With terrible bike road (according to Lin).
Road surface was smooth,
Shoulder was nonexistent.
Hills were Up and Long.
Trucks , big and long.
Turned south.
Biked past biggest feed lot ever.
On scale of "Mall of America."
Imagine that, "Mall of America Feedlot."
All sorts of activity and guys.
Guys on horses,
Guys on tractors,
Guys on forklifts,
Guys driving trucks.
Whew, so very busy.
Passing by on bicycle definitely out of place for that scene.
I crested Crompton Bluff,
Dotted with wind turbines,
Whizzed down other side.
Center, Neb park was lunch spot.
Whimsical metal sculptures in Center sculptor's yard,
Made me smile.

Admiring art in Center, Nebraska
Worn down by no-shoulder-biking,
We racked bike,
Drove south to Hwy 20
As remembered, there are wide shoulders!
Trucks and I get along, if wide shoulders.
Wonderful shoulder-space ride for 20 miles.
Here in O'Neill,
Where Bob got one of two last rooms in town,
We are settled for this night.
Grocery run by Bob,
While I washed bike clothes,
Meant tasty food in room.
Relaxing way to end day.I
I wash my bike clothing at end of each ride day.
Usually in shower with me,
Or bathtub with me,
Occasionally in sink.
Wrung out, stomped in towel, put on hanger,
Hung up / outside if possible.
Often on a fence, or tree,
Today on gate shielding trash containers;
Shorts, shirt, bra, socks ,
Clean & dry by morning.
Important ritual / task of ride day.
Climbed lots of long hills this morning.
I'll name that
Training for Wyoming state ride end of July.
Tired this evening,
And well.
Hugs to each,

Departing Crofton, NE... with a full tank! Is feeding myself costing what it would take to fuel a car? Maybe!

Bob horsing around with a friend in Center, NE.

Those who think Nebraska is flat, don't know about Northeast Nebraska! No better way to notice hills than to bike up them! I'm actually in this picture: an almost-visible yellow dot on the road...