60th Reunion Ride: Day 4
Luverne to Hawarden, MN: 53 miles
June 27, 2016
Today was not as we planned...
Each day has unexpected things to consider.
Today's was route.
We consult special MN and IA bicycle maps
Rating roads for traffic & shoulder width.
This morning I found that visiting map evaluator
May have driven major Luverne road one mile south,
Giving good shoulder rating
Which was NOT true.
Major southbound hwy shrinks to 12 inch shoulder filled with rumble bars / gouges.
Truck barreling past
Left No question:
Find Other Route.
SW Mn and N Iowa have many little paved roads,
Some quiet,
Some carrying truck traffic.
Options exist if you can find them.
Ask for help!
Ask for directions!
Drivers I flagged down
Gave helpful info.
For zigzag travel to
Where I wanted to be.
Wind has been my back-side helper all day.
Temps a bit cooler.
One time today when I thought of writing,
My report was "weary, just weary".
Lunch in park,
Nap in seat of car.
I'll say, "with help, the day worked".
Here is a top-of-line help story.
After supper in motel room,
Went to Hawarden's Dollar Store for two specific items:
Pair of sock for me to cut off & wear as sun block for wrists.
Wrists quite burned.
Bandana to tie around neck as I forgot mine.
Nothing at Dollar Store.
Down the street to Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store.
Lights were on,
I charged in.
"Oh dear," said two women.
"You can't come in. We are not open."
"Please," says I.
"We're passing through on bicycles,
Needing two items to protect from sun."
Those two ladies borrowed through shelves and boxes,
Seeking and finding the two things.
We were SO appreciative.
They were beaming to have provided for
Visiting cyclists.
Kind and helpful.
That has been this "zigzag route" day.
Hugs to you,

Departing Luverne, MN at 6:30am

hilltop view to the southwest from Iowa I-52

Lunch stop in Rock Valley, IA: city park in the shade!

Typical lush view biking through MN and IA