60th Reunion Ride: Day 2
This day was HARD !
Garden City, MN to Darfur, MN: 32 miles
June 25, 2016
Loading all items for multiple trip adventures,
Time consuming.
Extremely well done by Bob, whose packing skills
Deserve first prize.
Away from home, Village on the Cannon, at 7:15 a.m.,
Re-drove highways used yesterday to get Bob & car to Mankato.
Close to yesterday's pickup spot,
Garden City Fairground was launch pad for day.
Up out of valley of Watonwon River,
Hills first thing.
On the higher flats,
SW wind became challenge.
Temperatures climbed,
Wind increased.
Bob biked out to meet me for ten mile loop.
By Madelia, MN, temp was 88,
Wind velocity made hard going.
Cold juice break so welcome.
Outside to inside, my glasses fogged with humidity & temp difference.
Lunch picnic down the road,
Beach towel on ground,
Backs against cinder block utility station next to bean field.
Lea side of building made protected site
For food.
Outside Darfur, phoned Bob
Asking for rescue.
High ninety's and big wind
Sucked strength, energy, balance
So that I chose to end my ride for day.
Five miles prior at highway stop sign,
Car pulled up, young man popped out
Offering me food and water.
As cyclist himself,
He knew potential needs.
When I was "drooping"
....What is it I tell audiences I use to get me in?
So I used the 'outloud pep talk' asking if two more miles were possible,
Then a water stop, off bike seat stop,
And asked for another two.
Helped me cover six additional miles.
Then knowing that any more would find me
Flat on road ....
Answer to two more ? question,
Was "NO."
Not fun and entertaining today;
Still, ... clean, fed, sheltered,
I'm satisfied to have made today's ride—
One pedal stroke at a time.

Finally packed and ready to go

Today's start point: Garden City, MN. From here I climb out of this river valley.

Juice break: so welcome!

Dear Bob my caring SAG guy finds the only shade available for lunch.