60th Reunion Ride: Day 14
Kimball, NE to Cheyenne, WY: 60 miles
July 7, 2016
I have completed my ride to Cheyenne !!!
Much cooler temps were delight.
Winds varying during day.
Portion of ride on small Wyo road,
Completely new to me,
Had steep climbs.
Just an intro to
Big Mountain climbs of
"Tour de Wyo" ride later in July.
Total mileage this ride was 660 miles,
Much less than I had remembered.
Must have taken short cuts,
Back roads,
New efficient route to get here.
I am embarrassed!
To have spoken of 800 or 900 miles,
Not the journey I made.
Embarrassing mistake.
Perhaps ride needs new title,
"660 to 60th."
Arriving in Cheyenne is where my
Long, long time childhood friend,
Niki McGlathery,
Has greeted me for years.
Niki died in March.
My Cheyenne classmate, Niki,
Was smart, spunky, pretty, stubborn, flexible,
Played mean game of ping pong,
Danced with heart and rhythm,
Shot swishing free throws,
Determined commitment to recycling.
Demonstrated determined commitment
In many areas.
For years, we shared Thanksgiving.
Niki driving Mpls -> Madison, WI, fetch children. (6 hr. drive)
Madison -> Northfield, MN (5 hour drive)
in time for Thanksgiving dinner
With Bruce family.
All in her VW Beetle, through snow drifts!
Tradition for years,
Always snowed.
Children outside playing,
"Fox and Geese."
I miss Niki,
Noticing especially today.
Thanks to each of you for reading along.
Next week will give time to
Adjust to altitude,
Do training rides on high roads.
Planning to send reports of
Next ride. (starts July 16th)
Please stay tuned.
Hugs to each,
and thank you.
My limerick today:
I've now reached the end of this ride,
Out here where the prairies are wide.
The scenery was varied.
My SAG, whom I married,
Provided his cheering and pride!

"I did it!" Wyoming State Capitol Building in Cheyenne.

A long tall drink of water!

Riding shoulder-less small highway, by wheat field.

Pine Bluffs rest stop, off Hwy 80, busy place.

Rest Stop featured lovely ladies' room doorβ (Indian Paintbrush is the WY state flower.)

Irrigation flume on the 1910 Historic Register

Cheyenne, Wyoming!