60th Reunion Ride: Day 13
Gering to Kimball, NE: 48 windy miles
July 6, 2016
I'm so aware that this ride is possible for me
With creative ferrying by my SAG.
Thanks, SAG!
(SAG = Support and Gear = Bob!)
Three parts of today ....
Bob and I together rode five miles out of Gering,
Admiring Scott's Bluff.
I went on south toward Kimball,
Bob returned to motel to pack up.
Wind from South increased as climbed
Wildcat Hills long incline.
Grinding upward, tedious,
Slowed to 3 mph.
Only slightly faster than walking.
Getting more and more discouraged,
All kinds of stopper phrases running mind.
Go back.
Forget it.
I thought of what I say in talks,
And do believe,
"One pedal stroke at a time."
Brought me to the ....
By time SAG car came,
I'd done nineteen, into strong-head-wind miles.
Racked bike, got in car,
Because it was so hard and
Because I had done it. Hooray!
Late breakfast in Kimball,
Then I went East on Hwy 30.
Wind became less and less West,
More South into my side,
So that I was having hard time staying upright.
My bike and I are not lightweights—
Strong wind.
Racked up again,
Drove to Sidney,
Headed north w/ South wind at back.
Rode to Gurley, where road construction began
Ending day's miles.
Back in car to lovely park in Sidney, NE,
For picnic.
Stopped at Public Library to ask about
Rather unusual house / building.
It is home of some of the Cabela family.
You know of the Cabela sporting good stores,
Started with that family in Sidney, NE.
So very nice
To Hang Out in Library.

Now we are back in Kimball,
In motel.
Gratifying to have ridden today.
Not all fun,
Just gratifying.
Hugs to all,
Today's "gusty" limerick:
I've ridden today with the best-wind.
At times it was surely the West-wind.
And then it would change,
That wind on the range.
Sometimes it was only best-guessed-wind.

Showpiece house built by Cabela family—someday to be a museum

early morning shadows, shining bluffs in the distance: leaving Gering, NE

Bob joined me for the early morning ride.

End of ride: Gurley, Nebraska. Wheat silos in background.

The perfect place for a hot afternoon: the library! Information, magazines, and air conditioning!

late afternoon Nebraska sky (looking east)