60th Reunion Ride: Day 10
Kilgore to Grodon, NE: 60 miles
July 3, 2016
This ride day started at wide spot with couple of buildings.
Kilgore is where I ended my yesterday ride,
So picked up there.
We had just crossed into Mountain Time.
Six a.m. start today.
I usually am out between five and eight hours each day.
That is ride time and break time.
Mid-morning is snack and cold coffee for me.
'Twas a misty, moisty morning.
Grey skies, cool temp, pleasant.
Heavier mist making nylon, high viz jacket
Too damp, too chilly.
Stopped, put on wonderful new rain coat.
Misty, moisty, sort-of-rainy stopped.
(a trick for me to remember!)
Greyness lasted three hours.
Realized I was feeling that miles were hard.
Wondered how big an effect sky had
As I slogged along.
Checking computer info showed usual ten mph;
Not really slogging.
Country is vast sand-hills vista.
Miles of land,
Full circle swaths of unbroken horizon.
Pretty small out there with bicycle.
Made me wonder what I talk about
Inside my head, to myself.
I'm having conversations out loud with me,
Mentioning what I'm seeing,
Appreciating smoothness of road,
Flowers on edge, bird songs,
Hills in distance.
It is easy for me to get mired in
Not the spot for this good adventure forward.
Bob biked out and met me.
Together we rode to Merriman, Neb. on hwy 20.
Lunch in pleasant park.
I sat in car seat for half hour nap.
Fantastic option for bike trip.
Sunshine afternoon, hot,
Here we are in Gordon.
Cool in motel.
Small room with everything we need.
Hugs to each,
P.S. I have picture of big colorful trucks. Most of them took some other road today. Truck drivers have been careful and considerate of me on road, giving me lots of space as they pass.I watch for them, and they look out for me.

Semi trucks huddled on the prairie

Super-Biking-Beak arrives on the scene! (Today's starting point)

Cool, damp start to the day... by ride's end, bright and 30 degrees warmer.

The shoulder ahead of me; wide open space

Outdoor market in Cody Nebraska closed due to rain

Clothesline du jour...

Organic Beef Processing Plant across from our motel in Gordon, NE