​”What Are YOU Thinking?”

As of May 23, ten weeks ’til bike trip!

A ride this week was
One of most exhausting I’ve ridden!
Wasn’t length — 27mi. very do-able now.
Head wind? yes, hard work. 
But I realized that my mind —
Even more tired than my body.

What had I been thinking?

Two years ago, as training started,
I noticed thoughts while riding,
Were mostly on Past, Regrets, Shortcomings.
Got diligent about shifting away from those.

Guess I’d slid back, 
Without notice,
Into hard, weighty thinking. 

I’ve read about pro-athletes,
Thinking / visualizing stamina,
Strength, winning.
Never thought it applied to 
Me, on my dependable bicycle. 

I’m trusting, —
Riding without heavy thoughts,
Is part of way to 
Capture best of what’s possible.

I’ll work on that!

Hugs to you,

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Randy Jay - June 15, 2021

Hi Lin, I found and enjoyed your cycling journal here! I just turned 65, and am doing the 800 mi Cascades to Glacier NP WomanTours starting next week! The longest ride I have gone had been RAGBRIA about 500 mi, that was 6 yrs ago. I appreciate your upbeat, enthusiastic attitude, it boosts my confidence.
Previously my husband was my bike repair guy, tire fixer, SAG and biggest cheerleader, but I lost him four years ago. Since then, I push myself a little outside my comfort zone, thru womens adventure travel , which is empowering.
Best to you, thanks again !

    Lin Bruce - June 15, 2021

    Dear Randy,
    I am so sorry for your loss–losing that best cheerleader–I can imagine how hard that is. I salute your continuing adventures–reaching a little beyond your comfort zone! Way to go!

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